I’ve been experimenting with free WiFi today!

It seems as a BT business broadband customer, I’m entitled to 6,000 Openzone minutes over 2 years, and I don’t even have to enable Openzone on my business hub.

So I went wardriving with my netbook and connected to both Openzone and Fon hotspots from the car at 512kbps!

I just connected to the wireless router using NetworkManager and entered my Openzone (not Total/FON) login details at http://www.btopenzone.com


However, business customers can’t connect to Fon hotspots outside the UK, so I’d have to get a Fonera SIMPL to plug into the Freebox in France, then I’d have UK and European coverage.

No wonder everyone has iPhones and Android smartphones if you can get free internet access in the street, I can’t believe how behind on this I am, its so much better than shitty 3G cards that have no range/speed.