Next on the new sensors to play with list is a soil moisture sensor and the similar rain sensor, both use the same LM393 opamp comparator board.

The pinout is:

AO - A7
DO - D2
VCC - 3.3v

The digital output basically gives a 0/1 based on if the moisture/rainfall has reached a certain level (adjusted with the trimpot).

My code is:

const int aPin = A7;
const int dPin = 2;
int moisture = 0;
bool isRaining = false;

void setup()
    pinMode(aPin, INPUT);
    pinMode(dPin, INPUT);

void loop()
    isRaining = !digitalRead(dPin);
    if (isRaining)
        Serial.println("It is raining");
        moisture = 1023-analogRead(aPin);
        Serial.print("Moisture level: ");
        Serial.println("It is not raining");

I found that the reading levels for the moisture sensor were approximately:

0 = air
400 = damp
700 = submerged

And for the rain sensor:

500 = raining
800 = pissing it down