I came home early today as I’d already made my hours up (and got the timesheet signed!) and half the team was working from home anyway.

I’ve done two loads of washing, done the rubbish, done some downloads, burned some DVD’s, bought some Xmas stuff from eBay and watched the [pretty awful] Bring It On 3.

I’m going into Ipswich tomorrow to do some Xmas shopping, then I’ll probably go to Tesco and get some stuff to cook a curry, as I’m fed up of pizza and sandwiches don’t seem to be satisfying me – that said, I had a lovely baguette last night and I just enjoyed a cheese toastie….

I’ve still got the headache/eyes thing after 4 days, so it’s either my new monitor at work, or maybe too much Xbox, so I’m going to lay off it for a while. Apparently there’s a bug going around work though, so could be that, I think Phil’s feeling a bit iffy too.