Well I finally gave in and joined Faceshite Facebook today.

Like most other social networking sites (Livejournal for example), its pretty rubbish. None of my old schools are listed or still exist it seems. None of my past employers exist or still employ anyone I knew – mind you, most of the places I’ve worked at I wouldn’t want to talk to anyone from anyway, why do you think I left?! 😉

I can’t remember the surnames of half the people I used to know and the other half aren’t on there, so at the moment I’m Billy No Mates (except for a few family members). I went to school with Katie Price, but she’s only listed as a celebrity, and I refuse to be listed as a fan instead of a friend.

There’s a few people from Brighton on there – none of which have actually made the big step of leaving Brighton, and they all look exactly the same as they did 20 years ago, except now they all have kids.

Privacy and security concerns are out the window it seems – especially as they want your mobile phone number before they will turn off the captcha’s – erm, they already have my email address to sell to the spammers thankyouverymuch.