VMWare on a laptop

I installed my 1Gb RAM onto my laptop, it has about 512Mb free when running Linux, firing up VMWare takes that to more like 20Mb! Looks like the stingy Celt I was going to sell my old RAM to has backed out, he only wants half of it now and wants to pay less than half the price! I found that if you’re not connected to a network (i.e. ethernet cable into a switch) your VMWare guest can’t connect to the host and vice versa.

Laptop etc.

I just bought a gigabyte of RAM for my laptop from Crucial, so I can run VMWare with some performance! I think I’ve sold my old 2x256Mb for half the price of my new 2x512Mb to a guy at work…. I’ll be getting my RAM tomorrow, bloody good to get free next day delivery! I’m terribly irritated by the Crucial banner ads you see all over the web, but you can’t beat their prices!

Happy birthday Pip!

It’s big sis' birthday today, she’s having a poolside BBQ if the weather’s good, I hope it is, it’s OK-ish here, no sun but not too cold. I’ve done it again – I was convinced it was Thursday this morning until my boss signed my timesheet. I seem to feel the need to ignore Wednesdays lately! 😉 I’ve got King Kong and Jarhead on DVD. **Update:** just watched Kong, it was pretty good, bit slow.


OK, I’ve gone back to using the Quickcode plugin now. Chrissy the author IM’ed me and we sorted out a problem with the CSS file that seemed to result in the little icon not appearing…. I can do without the syntax highlighting as we have hiding and scrolling, plus she patched it to add square brackets, so it can be editted using TinyMCE (I’m finding BloGTK is a bit unreliable).


I managed to get DBD::Sybase installed and working by doing this as root: cat /opt/sybase/OCS-15_0/lib > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/sybase.conf /sbin/ldconfig #!/usr/bin/perl -w # import modules use strict; use DBI; use Data::Dumper; # connection details my $database = 'master'; my $server = 'VMCENTOS43'; my $username = 'testuser'; my $password = 'testpwd'; # connect to sybase my $dbh; eval { $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Sybase:server=$server;database=$database", $username, $password, {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0}); }; # check for errors if ($@) { print DBI::errstr; } else { # limit results $dbh->do('set rowcount 5'); # prepare and execute sql my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select * from spt_values'); $sth->execute; # loop through results, printing to debugger while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { print Dumper $data; } # finish statement and disconnect from db $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect; } I’ve also found that the TinyMCE editor (even in HTML mode) doesn’t like the quickcode tags, so I have to use BloGTK as my editor, I’m currently trying out the Codesnippet plugin, which has nice syntax-highlighting, but doesn’t have the nice scrollbars and hide/show functionality.