We’ve got some good weather ahead for a few days, it’s bloody hot today already at 10am! I’ll be going over to M&D’s to clean the pool later!

We’re all going out for lunch today, then everyone’s coming over to my place to watch the fireworks tonight.

Yesterday M&D and I went shopping for a few bits’n’bobs and ended up being out for five hours, doesn’t time fly here?!

The blog and other the-jedi.co.uk websites have been offline for a couple of days as I moved my DNS from my old virtual server to my domain registrar Easily, what a mistake-a-to-make-a! They have no concept of CNAME’s, so everything’s an ANAME, plus you have to send endless Emails to get them to put the DNS in place as their online control panel is so basic. And the TTL is set to three days or something stupid so propagation is a joke.

So yesterday Phil very kindly let me use his DNS Made Easy account and I’ve ported all six of my domains to that, which allows you to edit your own zone files and propagation is pretty instant. So now all I’m using the VDS server for is Email.